“It’s just how life works,” Liviana said. She laid back and stared at the ceiling. “We’re all in denial. We lie to ourselves that if we exercise enough or use better moisturizer we can be young again. There’s such power in the beauty of youth, but have you ever really thought about why? When we see wrinkled skin and white hair what we really see is the gradual dying we do every day. The eventual loss of everything.”
Jack looked Liviana in the eyes and opened his mouth to speak, but stopped, struggling for words that wouldn’t come. -Ageless

My current novel “Ageless” is a 107000 word thriller. I am seeking representation for this work with the goal of publication. If you are an awesome editor or agent, I’m probably already bugging you with query letters, but if you do want to hunt me down and offer all kinds of amazingness, I’ll definitely take your calls.